Breast Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment
This section contains books on how breast cancer is diagnosed and treated.
American Cancer Society's Guide to Complementary and Alternative Cancer Methods by the American Cancer Society
The American Cancer Society's Guide to Complementary and Alternative Cancer Methods contains hundreds of
entries on herbs, vitamins, minerals, diets, manual healing, and alternative treatment methods. The Guide
was written to help the public, the consumer, patients and their families understand what therapies
may work, what is dangerous, and how best to evaluate the hundreds of claims that can be found on the
Internet and in the popular press. Each entry is researched and based on scientific evidence.
Published in September 2000, ISBN: 0944235247
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Cancer Society: Women and Cancer: A Thorough and Compassionate Resource for Patients and
Their Families by Carolyn D. Runowicz, MD, Jeanne A. Petrick, MD Petrek, and Ted
S. Gansler, MD 
From America's leading cancer authority, the ACS, comes a patient's advocacy book for
women with breast cancer, cervical cancer, endometrial cancer, and ovarian cancer--and
their families--that offers medical expertise, practical advice, and emotional support.
Breast, cervical, endometrial, and ovarian cancers are the four most common cancers among
women, with over 254,000 newly diagnosed cases in 1998. This book contains the most
up-to-date information about these related diseases, from step-by-step advice about what
to do when confronted with a diagnosis of one of these cancers to the latest medical
facts, treatments, and procedures. Women and Cancer provides patients with the
latest information about the risks and benefits of new drug therapies, radiation, and
surgical procedures. Perhaps most importantly, this book approaches the topic from the
patient's perspective, providing psychological and emotional support throughout.
Comprehensive and compassionate, with patient stories and anecdotes women will relate to
and feel comfortable with, Women and Cancer addresses the full range of issues that
women cancer patients and their families may face.
Published February 1999, ISBN: 0679778144
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Ask the Doctor:
Breast Cancer (Ask the Doctor Series) by Vincent E. Friedewald, MD, Aman U.
Buzdar, MD, and Michael Bokulich 
This book helps women who are newly diagnosed or at high risk of breast cancer to better
understand the latest (and often conflicting) medical research on the disease. The book
details the steps involved in a thorough breast cancer diagnosis and standard medical
treatments. Helpful hints for family members
and loved ones are also included.
Published in June 1997,
ISBN: 0836227107 Click
here to buy this book or to get pricing and ordering information.
a Survivor: Your Guide to Breast Cancer Treatment by Vladimir Lange, MD 
Informative, empowering, and concise, this user-friendly book is designed to help the
patient and her family participate in her treatment and recovery. Developed in
consultation with 28 medical experts, it provides information about standard treatments,
complementary therapies, clinical trials, and more. After the initial shock of diagnosis,
women are faced with myriad questions about where to go and what to do next. Lange, a
Harvard Medical School-trained physician who experienced his wife's battle with the
disease, has written an especially user-friendly book for women seeking answers and a
measure of hope. Be a Survivor follows the stages of treatment and recovery,
offering a balanced, accessible text; highlighted topic boxes; excellent, detailed
illustrations; and checklists of questions for doctors ("Could you give me the names
of specialists you think I should see?"). There are informative sidebars and
inspirational photos and quotes from survivors on almost every page. Lange's work also
covers reconstruction, alternative therapies, clinical trials, and life after breast
cancer. The book ends with a lengthy resource list, a glossary, and an index.
Published August 1998, ISBN: 0966361008
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Cancer: Myths & Facts, What You Need to Know by S. Eva Singletary, MD and
Alice F. Judkins, RN 
Cancer specialists are well aware that women diagnosed with breast cancer are often
asked to make quick decisions during a period of intense personal crises. Written by
leading cancer specialists, Breast Cancer: Myths & Facts dispels the many myths
surrounding breast cancer, offering instead solid insight, facts, and realistic optimism.
Heavily illustrated and punctuated throughout with patient quotes, this handbook
identifies the most current screening and diagnostic techniques, treatment options,
reconstruction information, potential outcomes, support information, and much, much more.
Ideal for both professional and personal use, this softcover book arms the breast cancer
patient with the information she will need to make rational decisions throughout the
course of her treatment.
Published June 1997, ISBN: 0964182378
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Cancer: The Complete Guide by Yashar Hirshaut, MD and Peter Pressman, MD 
Written by a surgeon and an oncologist who are authorities in the treatment of breast
cancer, this is an indispensable book women may use to help cope with a disease that will
strike one out of every eight women in the United States. Now revised to bring readers the
very latest information on diagnosis and treatment, this lucid step-by-step guide contains
current information women require if they are to collaborate with their doctors in making
truly informed decisions about the care that is right for them.
Published May 1996, ISBN: 0553372033
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Breast Cancer Survival Manual, by John Link, MD 
In a valuable guide for women who have just been diagnosed with breast cancer, Dr. John
Link helps sort through the confusion and the fear, by explaining such things as how to
get a second opinion and how to understand a pathology report. Particularly valuable is
Link's step-by-step description of how breast cancer is characterized, or staged,
according to tumor size, hormone receptors, and other factors--and how that affects
prognosis. Dr. Link helps explain what the medical jargon means. The book also includes
useful chapters on diet, exercise, herbs, and vitamins; managing the side effects of
treatment; the mind-body connection of healing; and organizing medical records and keeping
a personal journal or log.
Ending on an encouraging note, Link writes, "You should know that most women today
are cured of breast cancer. They undergo treatment, become survivors, and go on with their
lives. But having breast cancer is certainly a wake-up call to many and may be for you.
This step-by-step manual helps you navigate the uncertainty and become a survivor, both
physically and psychologically.
Published June 1998, ISBN: 0805055150
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Cancer Battle Plan : Six Strategies for Beating Cancer, from a Recovered "Hopeless
Case" by Anne E. Frahm, David J. Frahm (Contributor) 
This book outlines Anne Frahm's
strategy for fighting breast cancer with nutrition. Frahm was a metastatic breast cancer
patient who was able to overcome her disease after surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy,
and a special self-formulated "battle plan" diet. Though women who buy this book
should be aware that Frahm's results are not typical, "A Cancer Battle Plan"
offers practical, alternative approaches to help treat advanced breast cancer.
Published in January 1998,
ISBN: 087477893X
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The Cancer Patient's Workbook: Everything You Need to Stay Organized and Informed
by Joanie Willis

The Cancer Patient's Workbook is an organizational guide to meeting the challenges
of cancer. The book helps patients keep track of essential information in a practical
format that ensures a clear understanding of what to expect at every juncture. The book
also helps patients answer several questions including: What questions should I ask the
doctor and when? How do I make sure that I'm getting the most appropriate medical
treatment for my condition? Who pays for what? Where can I find the most reliable
information on my disease? What are the best online sites and support organizations? A
variety of worksheets help patients keep track of doctor visits, when to use medications,
and what organizations to contact. A unique flip-off cover even allows patients to keep
their workbook private if desired.
The author also maintains a website intended to help patients that have purchased the
book to access all of the sites listed in the resources section of the book. The website
include 400 links to cancer information on the Internet:
Published March 2001
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Medicine for Breast Cancer by Ron Falcone and Lynn Sonberg

This book is filled with
suggested doses of herbs, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and other natural treatments for
alleviating fatigue, loss of appetite, digestive problems, nausea, and liver toxicity
related to breast cancer treatment. Additional topics include: how to make herbal
decoctions, tinctures, and infusions, an explanation of the mind-body connection and how
it can be used to boost immunity, listings of common chemotherapy drugs and natural
remedies for fighting their side effects, and suggested vitamin and mineral supplements to
take prior to and following breast surgery.
Published in May 1997, ISBN:
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Now... I'm Having a No Hair Day: Humor & Healing for People With Cancer
by Christine Clifford and Jack Lindstrom (Illustrator) 
Christine Clifford, a breast
cancer survivor, uses humor and anecdotes to help women deal with the adverse effects of
breast cancer treatment in this unique and uplifting book. From surgery to chemotherapy to
radiation therapy, Clifford shows how humor and support help women cope with cancer. The
book chronicles Cliffords own experiences with breast cancer diagnosis and
treatment. Clifford currently serves as president of the Breast Cancer Club, an
organization that produces and distributes humorous and helpful products for people with
Published August 1996, ISBN:
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Practical Approach to Breast Disease by Lois F. O'Grady, MD (Editor), Karen K.
Lindfors, MD (Editor), and Lydia Pleoti Howell, MD This practical guide addresses the
evaluation, diagnosis, and management of benign and malignant breast disease. It covers
basic concepts, evaluation of clinical problems, and treatment and follow-up. This is a
textbook and reference for physicians, but it is very well written and some lay people may
find it useful. This book is fully illustrated with mammogram and pathology images, as
well as photographs of women after breast surgery and breast reconstruction.
Published December 1995, ISBN: 0316633771
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Prescription for Nutritional Healing: A Practical A-Z Reference to Drug-Free Remedies Using Vitamins, Minerals, Herbs, and
Food Supplements by James Balch, MD and Phyllis Balch, CNC
This guide is a comprehensive resource for information on vitamins, minerals, herbs, and other dietary
supplements. The authors explain how to use nutritional therapy along with traditional remedies and include
research and theories on the effects nutrition may have on terminal illness and diseases related to aging. The
book is now in its third edition.
Published in October 2000, ISBN: 1583330771
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Thanks for the Mammogram! Fighting Cancer With Faith, Hope, and a Healthy Dose of Laughter
by Laura Jensen Walker

On the eve of her first wedding anniversary, Laura Jensen Walker was diagnosed with breast cancer. In
her book, Thanks for the Mammogram, Walker openly and honestly confronts the fears and stigmas of
breast cancer and the one weapon against it: laughter. The book offers hope, encouragement, and
practical information for detected and dealing with breast cancer. Thanks for the Mammogram also
confronts the emotional and psychological issues that women (and the men that love them) face
after a breast cancer diagnosis.
Published September 2000, ISBN: 0800717783
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When It Happens to You: A Practical Guide Through
Breast Cancer by Joann Dilts, Earlene Dal Pozzo

Written by two breast cancer survivors, one a doctor and the other a
writer and teacher, When It Happens to You
describes the difficult choices breast cancer patients often face. The authors give advice on dealing with friends
and family, solving problems created by treatment, and handling emotional issues. The book
covers the entire cycle of illness from breast cancer diagnosis to self-examination in the
years following treatment.
Published April 2000, ISBN: 0923521496
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Woman's Decision: Breast Care, Treatment & Reconstruction (Quality Medical
Home Health Library) by Karen J. Berger, John Bostwick, III, MD 
Fully updated, with the most recent research and new diagnostic treatments, this
acclaimed reference offers readers the latest information on breast cancer, treatment and
reconstruction. A Woman's Decision covers every aspect of breast cancer--from
selecting a physician, to treatment, to how breast cancer affects relationships to finding
support groups and information on the Internet.
Published September 1998, ISBN: 0312182295
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Your Breast Cancer Treatment Handbook: Your Guide to Understanding the
Disease, Treatments, Emotions and Recovery from Breast Cancer by Judy
C. Kneece 
This book provides women with
helpful advice after they have been diagnosed with breast cancer. Kneece addresses
relevant issues such as treatment options and breast reconstruction in short, easily
absorbed chapters filled with checklists, memory lists, and questions to ask medical
specialists. The book also includes the benefits and risks to each standard breast cancer
treatment option.
Published October 1998, ISBN:
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this book or to get pricing and ordering information