16, 1999 - Volume 1, Issue 5
Comprehensive Information of Breast Cancer and Breast Health Issues
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1. In the News:
- New Chemotherapy Drug, Docetaxel, Could Benefit Breast Cancer Patients...
Researchers have reported that women with advanced breast cancer may benefit more from
chemotherapy with the drug docetaxel (brand name, Taxotere) before breast surgery than
from standard chemotherapy. In a clinical trial with 163 women, researchers discovered
that women who were treated with docetaxel in addition to breast surgery and drug
treatment with tamoxifen had a significantly higher treatment response rate compared with
women who did not receive docetaxel. The results of the trial reveal that docetaxel should
be considered for advanced breast cancer patients who receive chemotherapy as part of
their treatment.
- Breast Cancer Survivors to Climb Japan’s Mount Fuji...
The Breast Cancer Fund, a non-profit organization devoted to increasing awareness and
raising funds for breast cancer research, recently announced that several breast cancer
survivors will attempt a third mountain climbing expedition set for August 2000. 'Climb
Against the Odds Mt. Fuji' will bring together 55 climbers from the United States
including breast cancer physicians, researchers, activists, survivors, and men and women
who have lost loved ones to breast cancer. A documentary of the second climb on Mount
McKinley was recently aired on the Public Broadcasting System (PBS).
- Daily Alcohol Consumption May Increase Breast Cancer Risk...
The results of a study published in The Journal of the American Medical Association reveal
that women who drink alcohol are at higher risk of developing breast cancer compared to
nondrinkers. Women who consumed two to five alcoholic beverages each day were found to
have a 41% increased risk of developing invasive breast cancer compared to women who do
not drink. The results of the study apply to women who consume alcohol on a daily basis as
opposed to women who occasionally drink.
2. Learning About Tamoxifen
In late 1998, tamoxifen became the first drug to be approved by the U.S. Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) to prevent breast cancer after research showed it reduced the chances
of developing breast cancer by 50% in women at high risk. Tamoxifen is a drug taken orally
in pill form that has been shown to help prevent the original breast cancer from returning
after breast surgery, while also hindering the development of new cancers in the opposite
breast. For nearly twenty years, physicians have prescribed tamoxifen to help treat
patients with advanced breast cancer. More recently, tamoxifen has been used to treat
early stage breast cancer after breast surgery (lumpectomy or mastectomy).
3. Questions and Answers about Cancer Clinical Trials
A clinical trial is an organized research study conducted with people to find new methods
to prevent, detect, diagnose, or treat cancer. In some instances, clinical trials attempt
to improve a patient’s quality of life. When studying cancer treatment, researchers
conducting a clinical trial attempt to determine whether a new method of treatment is
superior to the standard (currently approved) treatment of the ailment. This article
addresses some of the common questions concerning clinical trials.
4. Understanding Sentinel Node Biopsy
Sentinel node biopsy is a new diagnostic procedure used to determine whether breast cancer
has spread (metastasized) to other parts of the body. Sentinel node biopsy can eliminate
the need to remove all of the underarm lymph nodes when staging breast cancer, resulting
in less pain and complications versus traditional axillary lymph node dissection. Many
surgeons perform sentinel node biopsy to avoid having to remove 10 to 30 lymph nodes in
patients whose breast cancer is suspected to have spread.
5. Mammography Facilities Must Meet Quality Standards
On April 28, 1999, the final comprehensive regulations for mammography facilities went
into effect. The regulations were developed by the FDA and the National Mammography
Quality Assurance Advisory Committee and approved by President Clinton. Mammography
facilities are now required to provide patients with written results of their mammograms
in easy-to-understand language within 30 days of the mammogram. Patients may also obtain
their original mammogram (not a copy) from the facility so they may compare the results
with previous mammograms. This report outlines these MQSA regulations.
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