AMEDEO Medical Literature Guide serves the needs of healthcare professionals, including physicians, nurses, pharmacists, administrators, other members of the health professions, and patients and their friends. After selecting a topic and defining the desired medical journals, users will receive 1.) the weekly AMEDEO email with an overview of new articles published in a personal journal subset and 2.) a weekly update of Personal AMEDEO Web page displaying the abstracts of your journal subset articles.
Doctor’s Guide provides a directory of over 1000 peer-reviewed medical journals, organized by specialty. Click on 'Journals' at the Doctor's Guide home page.
Elsevier Science publishes a wide range of literature covering the broad spectrum of scientific endeavors. The Free Medical Journals site is dedicated to the promotion of free access to medical journals over the Internet.
MEDLINE is the online version of MEDLARS (MEDical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System), the National Library of Medicine’s premier bibliographic database covering the fields of medicine, nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine, the health care system, and pre-clinical sciences. Free online access to MEDLINE is available through PubMed which provides access in one location to over nine million medical journal reports dating back to 1966. Citations are created by the National Library of Medicine, International MEDLARS partners, and cooperating professional organizations.
MedBioWorld helps scientists and health professionals with the communication of research results and includes a detailed directory of scientific and medical journals.
Springer-Verlag is a renowned publisher of international medical journals and books.
Ovid ( provides easy access to online medical journals by scanning medical web sites each day and extracting available citations, abstracts and full-text articles.
Wiley InterScience
is the dynamic online journals service from John Wiley & Sons and includes a full
directory of the medical and life sciences journals they publish.
Update: October 9, 2007